No access

Step 1. Setting Up Your Sandbox Account

  1. Register Your Sandbox Account:

    Follow these steps to set up your Brincr account in our sandbox environment:

    1. Go to and sign up for a new Sandbox account.
    2. After registering, make sure to fill in a "COC number" in Miscellaneous > Settings > Company settings. This is necessary to connect with Visma Connect.
  2. Requesting API Access:

    Fill out this form to request access to the API for your registered sandbox account:

  3. Activating API Connection:

    Once your request is approved by our API team, login in to your sandbox account ( You'll find a new menu item under Miscellaneous called "API User." Visit this menu item to enable the connection between your Sandbox account and Visma Connect.

    Click on "Activate API connection" and ensure you receive a confirmation message. If you encounter an error, ensure you've filled in the COC number in your company settings (Miscellaneous > company settings).

  4. Setting Up Visma Connect Account:

    Once finished previous step, check your email for a message from Visma Connect and follow the instructions to register/activate your Visma Connect account.

    Create your Visma Connect account, set your password, provide consent, and fill in your company information.

    Upon successful completion, you'll be redirected to the Visma Developer Portal.